Five years ago today I launch this blog. A lot has happened in 5 years so I wanted to write a special post to honor it.
It has also been 5 years and 10 days since I quit a job that was sucking my soul and leaving me dead inside. People tell me all the time about how courageous I was to quit a stable and fruitful career path to pursue my photography career. I always think that “courage” is a funny word. People say courage now because what I did happened to work out. If it hadn’t worked then I would have been stupid, reckless even. Funny how that works. The fact of the matter is, I was desperate and the only way I saw was out. I had no choice. And it was reckless. I had shot a couple of weddings but my business was nowhere near where it needed to be. Completely out of my character to leave a job without another to go to. Way, way out of my comfort zone! But according to that little picture of circles I see on Facebook and Pinterest all the time, that is where the magic happens!
A lot has happened in 5 years. In addition to growing my photography business and having the pleasure of shooting tonnes of wonderful and unique couples there have also been a few changes in my personal life. And many of these changes have happened within the last year. First of all, I got married! That was pretty awesome (understatement of the month for sure). Last December we had our wedding in Costa Rica surrounded by our wonderful friends and family. Experiencing a wedding from the bride’s point of view has brought new, and unexpected insights to me as photographer.
Another big change is that I am now splitting my time between Toronto and New York City. Mike (my husband) was offered a job in New York so we have taken it as an exciting opportunity to explore what I am now realizing is one pretty rad city! New York is wonderful and incredibly inspiring. Toronto has been my home for nearly 10 years, holds many wonderful memories as well as many of my favourite people also call it home. I’m back and forth all the time and I’m still booking Toronto weddings as local wedding. Same as before. No travel costs. The bonus is that I get spend lots of time in Toronto. I feel that I get to experience the best of both worlds, and collect lots of frequent flyer miles!
I can’t believe I have been working as a full time photographer for 5 years. Time flies. I feel so fortunate to do something I love. Something I feel so passionate about and something that positively impacts others. I’m reminded all the time about the importance of what I do. I want to give a whole hearted THANK YOU to all of my couples, families, and friends who have got in front of my lens. Your trust and support means the world to me. You are why I do what I do.
To mark my blog’s 5th birthday, I did a photo shoot with my friend and super talented NYC photographer, LINDSEYBELLE. It was so much fun to spend some time in front of her lens exploring the neighbourhoods that I walk through everyday. Thank you Lindsey! xoxo
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you are super adorable!! love all these shots of you! Congrats on 5yrs as being a super star and livin’ the dream! Very proud of you my friend. xox
Jen! Bravo to you for pursuing your dream. I love your photos, and am always perusing your pics. Congrats on 5 years!
Congrats Jen! These photos are fabulous!
Congrats Jennifer!
Congrats Jen!
Obviously I’m a huge fan of your work, but I also admire that you went out on your own and followed your dream!
5 years already!? Awesome. Love that NYC photoshoot with your “5” balloon, super cute! xoxox
p.s. as if you didn’t share my ‘sexy tiger’ maternity pic to brag about your 5 years of photography. I would guess that’s your best pic ever. Just sayin.
Congratulations Jen! It has been so fun and inspiring watching your business grow and thrive over the last 5 years; you should feel so proud of what you have accomplished! These photos are fabulous- you look equally comfortable in front of the camera as you obviously are behind it! Here’s to many more years of success and following your dreams! xo
Congratulations, Jen! I loved reading this blog post. xx
Congratulation Jen. Along way away form the suburbs of North Vancouver. You look beautiful and I love the shoes. You are radiating. Smiles, Chantal
Congratulations Jen!
As one of your early clients in your first tenuous 6 months I can say that we could see you loved your new job and it showed when you were chasing our kids around at the Brickworks that fall! We are so happy for you in your success!